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Female, 45 years, born on 31 May 1979

Kostanay, willing to relocate (Almaty, Astana), prepared for business trips

"Project coordinator", "Personal assistant"

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 9 months

May 2014currently
10 years 11 months
Freelance translator
- Written translations - Interpeting for expatriate specialists visiting Kostanai region
February 2012October 2013
1 year 9 months
London Mining Plc

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Project Coordinator, Construction Department
- Assissting & supporting the Project Manager in their daily duties - Ensuring that relevant management information is captured & analysed - Providing Project support to Senior Project Managers - Acting as administrative support to Project Managers - Communicating with Construction Managers to report on project status - Daily liaisons between Project Sub-contractors - Resolving any financial queries that are raised - Responsible for materials orders required for construction - Coordinating with Contracts Dept, Supply Chain Dept, Finance Dept & HR Dept for resolving the issues with regard to Project completion - Monitoring equipment\materials deliveries for the Project - Scheduling Project related meetings with Sub-Contractors & minutes preparation - Analysing Daily/weekly/monthly construction progress reports of Sub-Contractors - Monitoring construction progress (taking photos of construction areas, reports preparation, weekly\monthly statistics of progress etc) - Monthly (MER) reports compiling followed by sending to the Project Management - Coordinating with Design Institute on the drawings issue - Drawings issue control to Sub-contractors - Document control - Travel arrangements - R&R schedules control - Cost control - Maintain & update organization charts
August 2010February 2012
1 year 7 months
Central Asia Metals LLP
Technical Translator (Construction Dept)
- Interpretations on Site - Translation of all relevant documentation of Construction Dept - Interpreting at Construction coordination meetings & minutes preparation - Drawings control, translation, printing and issue for construction - Drawings issue for Design Institute approval - Recordkeeping of drawings registers - Correspondence control with regard to Design documentation - R&R schedules control - Interpreting negotiations and meetings with Contractors - Correspondence translation between Contractors and the Client - Translation of Contracts and Procurement Dept relevant documentation (tender documents, invoices, packing lists for deliveries/customs clearance, plant equipment certificates, etc.) - Recordkeeping of material deliveries register - Weekly and monthly construction progress reports compiling followed by its sending to local authorities - Travel arrangements & hotel bookings - Recordkeeping of expatriates R&R schedules - Preparation of Company Invitation letters for overseas visitors etc.
February 2010August 2010
7 months
Polymetal JSC
Administrator - Technical Translator
- Office management - Travel arrangements & recordkeeping of R&R schedules - Scheduling of negotiations with Contractors - Interpreting at Official meetings & minutes preparation - Document control - Recordkeeping & execution control of minutes of technical cooperative meetings (information compiling followed by weekly report sending to Head Office Management) - Commercial plant production weekly statistics and monthly reports (MER) compiling followed by sending to Board of Directors - Preparation of Company Invitation letters for overseas visitors etc. - Interpretations on Site, translation of all company relevant documentation, Procurement Dept relevant documentation translations. - Responsible for JSCV archive (construction documentation registers, drawings translation and issue control, plant operating manuals control).
February 2008February 2010
2 years 1 month
ORSU Metals Corporation
Operations & Project Manager PA, Senior Translator
- Daily assistance and appointment book of PM - Interpretation of negotiations with Contractors - Translation of all relevant documentation of JSCV Procurement Dept. (tender documents, invoices, packing lists for deliveries/customs clearance, plant equipment certificates, etc.) - Interpreting at Daily production meetings - Compiling of plant weekly production statistics & monthly reports - Drawings translation/issue for job executors - Office management - Official correspondence management - Travel arrangements - Recordkeeping of expatriates R&R schedules & time-sheets - Responsible for JSCV Archive - Compiling of relevant documentation for Plant Working/State Acceptance Commissions - Responsible for Mine Translators (development of job descriptions, duties allocation, translations checks, etiquette of communication, R&R schedules)
January 2007February 2008
1 year 2 months
European Minerals Corporation
Secretary-Translator of Construction Dept, Senior Translator
- Daily assistance and appointment book of CM - Scheduling of construction & mechanical installation meetings - Interpreting at all the Construction related meetings & minutes preparation - Translating of official contract documentation - Filing control systems - Contractors weekly/monthly reports compiling for CM&MI Engineers - Construction/mechanical installations progress reports preparation - Translations of QA&QC meetings & minutes preparation - Interpretations on Construction Site - Drawings translation - Cooperation between SA Designer and Kazakhstanee Design Institute for drawings approvals with regard to KZ construction regulations - Correspondence control between follow-by & engineering supervision - Office management - Document control - Responsible for Site translators (development of job descriptions, duties allocation, translations checks, etiquette of communication, R&R schedules) - Responsible for compiling & translation of all relevant documentation (Operating Manuals, QA&QC documents, plant equipment technical certificates, procedures etc) for Plant Commissioning. - Interpreting at Plant Commissioning meetings & minutes preparation
January 2006January 2007
1 year 1 month
European Minerals Corporation

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Secretary - translator
- Office management - Scheduling of daily/weekly meetings - Switchboard & radio station operation - Site accommodation/travel arrangement - Translation of all official documentation


Skill proficiency levels
MS Office
Пользователь ПК
Driving Licence B
Английский язык
Time management
Управление проектами
Организаторские навыки
Грамотная речь
Работа с оргтехникой
Деловое общение
MS Outlook
MS Internet Explorer
Точность и внимательность к деталям
MS Publisher
Работа в команде

About me

Self-motivated with a flexible attitude, will be able to adapt quickly. Having exceptional interpersonal, communication & motivational skills. Now looking forward to making a significant contribution with an ambitious company that offers opportunities for progression. Having a great experience of working for foreign companies in Kazakhstan & West Africa.

Higher education (master)

Moscow Business School
Operations & Logistics Management, Master of Business Administration
Kostanai State University after A.Baitursynov
Linguistic, Interpreter of English



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter