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Мужчина, 47 лет, родился 19 февраля 1978
Костанай, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам
Инженер КИПиА
1 000 $ на руки
- Инженер-конструктор, инженер-проектировщик
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 27 лет 7 месяцев
Октябрь 2019 — по настоящее время
5 лет 6 месяцев
ТОО «Тенгизшевройл»(ТШО), Tengizchevroil LLP
Консультант КИП отдела техобслуживания ТШО
Работа с КИП
Октябрь 2010 — Октябрь 2019
9 лет 1 месяц
ТОО «Тенгизшевройл»(ТШО), Tengizchevroil LLP
Designs Engineering – I&E Group ; Electrical and Instrument Engineer
Employer: Tengizchevroil LLP (through KIS-Orion, Fircroft recruiting company).
Designs Engineering – I&E Group
Position: Electrical and Instrument Engineer
Duties :
Instrument/electrical engineering support for Tengiz Plant Operations.
Close cooperation with Operations, Maintenance, Automation and other technical specialists to improve operational performance and solve problems related to a broad range of instrumentation equipment including measuring devices, control & shutdown valves, fire & gas detection/alarm systems, analysers, vibration monitoring, anti-surge controls and control system interfaces.
Receipt of Engineering Work Requests (EWR’s) and development of small expense or capital improvement projects to improve facility operation.
Project cost and schedule management.
Responsible for the review and development of operating and maintenance procedures that enhance the performance and reliability of equipment.
Development of new TCO projects.
Electrical safety group – IV (1000V+)
All TCO certificates are available.
Июль 2010 — Октябрь 2010
4 месяца
General Electric(GE) Oil@Gas/Granite Services International Inc.
I&E Engineer
Employer: General Electric Oil@Gas / Granite Services International Inc.”, Karachaganak PO
Position: I&E Engineer
Specialty: I&E specialis for GE Oil@Gas turbine and compressor equipment. Involved in projects: Power Crystal, 2010 Shutdown
Duties :
Maintenance, repair and upgrade of fire & gas system and instrumentation, Mark V system, GE Oil@Gas turbine and compressor equipment at Unit 2/3 and Karachaganak Processing Complex.
Electrical safety group – IV (1000V+)
All KPO certificates are available
Декабрь 2008 — Июнь 2010
1 год 7 месяцев
LLP "MegaMelProm"
Electrical/Instrumentation and Electronics Expert
Employer: MegaMelProm LLP.
Position: Electrical/Instrumentation and Electronics Expert, on adjustment and maintenance of the mill and industrial equipment
Duties :
Commissioning and maintenance of weighing and measuring electronic equipment, PLC logic systems and associated software, automation and electrical installations of the agro-industrial complex. Operation and maintenance of electrical/instrumentation and electronics supplied by the following manufacturers: Schneider Electic, Telemecanique, Merlin Gerin, Moеller, ABB, Siemens, Unitronics, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Baykon, OMRON, Mettler Toledo, Carlo Gavazzi, Autonics, Richner, FESTO, VESTA, CAS, Fuji (variable frequency drives, intelligent switches (relays)), etc.
Сентябрь 2006 — Декабрь 2008
2 года 4 месяца
ТОО «Inzhtechservice»
Electrical/Instrumentation Engineer
Employer: Inzhtechservice LLP, Tengiz Oil field
Position: Electrical/Instrumentation Engineer
Responsibilities: Operation, maintenance electrical instrumentation Sour Gas Injection project «SGI» and «Second Generation Project» «SGP», “TENGIZCHEVROIL”, Tengiz, Kazakhstan.
Duties :
1. The start-up and commissioning of instrumentation for «SGI» project.
2. SGI/SGP Plant Maintenance. Operation and maintenance of all instrumentation for «SGI» and «SGP» plant and field: detectors, transmitters compatible with HART protocol, sensors, transducers - (YOKOGAWA, ROSEMOUNT, WIKA, AMETEK, MAGNETROL, ENDRESS-HAUSER, FUJI, ASA, ABB and others); valves, positioners, various actuators - (BEL Valves, eP Solutions , CCI Valve, FISHER-ROSEMOUNT, ABB, PALADON, ROTORK, BETTIS, HYTORK, MAXSEAL and others); controllers(PLC) - (Allen Bradley, Hima-Sella, Siemens and others); automatic systems - (DCS «Honeywell»,ESD and F&G «ICS Triplex», Allen Bradley, “Mark V”, “Bently Nevada”, F&G «Fenwall» and others); gas turbine and compressor «GEPS Oil & Gas-NUOVO PIGNONE»; F&G systems - (DRAGER, DET-TRONICS, MEDC, KEDD and others); CCTV, Web camera and others.
Certificates:«Work Permits», «Fire Safety», «Care Initiator», «Respiratory Protective Equipment», «CCTV Maintenance», «eProduction Solutions Maintenance». Electrical Safety Group – IV (1000V+)
Октябрь 2005 — Сентябрь 2006
1 год
ТОО «Inzhtechservice»
Senior operator in instruments/electrical equipment pre-commissioning and testing
Employer: Inzhtechservice LLP, Tengiz Oil field
Position: Senior operator in instruments/electrical equipment pre-commissioning and testing.
Responsibilities: Instrumentation loop checking, Sour Gas Injection project «SGI», Tengiz, “TENGIZCHEVROIL”.
Duties :
Instrument loop checking & acceptance operator working with DCS interfaces in the Control room. Providing assistance to a field loop check team by shooting loops from interface console and confirming integrity on the screen. Ensuring the accuracy of instrument specs. Knowledge of different instrument types is a must-have.
Familiar with Honeywell TPS DCS and ICS Triplex Trusted family interfaces.
Electrical Safety Group – IV (1000V+)
Октябрь 2000 — Октябрь 2005
5 лет 1 месяц
Relay protection, instrument indicators and measurement control lead engineer
Employer: KostanaiEnergoSbyt OJV, city of Lisakovsk
Position: Relay protection, instrument indicators and measurement control lead engineer
Duties :
Relay protection, control and measurement equipment commissioning, operation, maintenance and testing at 10/35/110/220 kV substations which Kostanai Regional power network comprises of.
Electrical Safety Group - V (1000 V+).
Сентябрь 1997 — Октябрь 2000
3 года 2 месяца
Electrician (grade 4)
Employer: KostanaiEnergoSbyt OJV city of Lisakovsk
Position: Electrician (grade 4) on the repair, maintenance and commissioning of electrical substations 110/35/10 kV ATP BCR (centralized repair team for substations)
Duties :
Adjustment, installation, testing and operation of an electric substation. Work with the design, technical documentation.
Electrical Safety Group - IV (1000 V+).
Уровни владения навыками
Высшее образование
Рудненский(государственный) индустриальный институт
«Автоматизации технологических процессов и производств», Инженер-системотехник
Лисаковский технический колледж
"Автоматизация производства", Оператор ЭВМ
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
CCTV тех.обслуживание
Оператор гидравлического подъемника
ТОО "TENGIZCHEVROIL", Оператор гидравлического подъемника
Эл.монтер по ремонту эл.оборудования п.с
ТОО "Кустанайэнерго", Эл.монтер 4 разряда
Тесты, экзамены
«Care Initiator»
«Fire Safety»
«Respiratory Protective Equipment»
«Work Permits»
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения